Then after upgrades and such, rebooted holding down the option key after the chime, and was able through the internet launcher install High Sierra onto the 2nd partition. Then I opened the FCP launcher, and installed only FCP7, it installs compressor and qmaster, this is not optional… I was able to install final cut pro, I needed to first install Rosetta off the Snow Leopard install disk. Once I was able to log into Mavericks, I created a 2nd partition called it High Sierra, formatted to HFS I was able through the internet take the laptop back to base install, Mavericks, which is not listed in the APP STORE, for some reason the internet installer which is very slow, on my connection took about 12 hours to install, used Mavericks. This is very very important, you need to wipe the hard drive clean, format back to HFS 1 partition, then reboot using the internet installer, DO NOT USE any boot USB, it will not work…
The solution was not elegant and took a total of 3 days, and much much swearing, but it worked, I have 2 partitions, the minimum number required, one is HFS and the other APFS…
I needed to install final cut pro 6 or 7 on my 2013 retina macbook pro laptop…Of course it was using APFS, many many problems, but I finally was able to figure out the solution. I know this is very late, but I think very important.